What people are saying about
PC PhoneHome™ & MacPhoneHome™
Suzanne S. - Calgary, Canada
"I was very impressed with the service I got from Brigadoon. Martin M. took care of the whole process. When Ryan's computer was stolen, I sent an email to PC PhoneHome™, and at the time I thought that I would have to figure out how to receive this signal from the stolen computer. But Martin got all my information, the police case # and took over. He was the one who talked to the Calgary Police Service and he even phoned me to let me know how the case was going.
The crazy thing was it was a so-called friend of Ryan's who stole the computer. I guess this happens a lot. Its the people that know you who can be the problem. This thief wanted new technology and could not get his parents to buy it for him. He did not want to buy it himself so he stole it from a friend. Then he pulled out the components of Ryan's computer and installed them in his old case. On the outside everything looked the same and his parents had no idea. Finding out that this was not just a random act of violence was very reassuring.
Finding out that the computer was sending out a homing signal, even though this kid had pulled the computer apart was very exciting. Because of the information PC PhoneHome™ was able to send to the Calgary Police, a warrant was obtained and Ryan's computer was retrieved.
And the thief was convicted. There is justice in the world.
All I can say is that I am so glad we had PC PhoneHome™ on Ryan's machine. My husband and I each have our own computers and those computers also have the program installed. The program works, obviously, and the attention I got from Martin M. was great. I'd recommend this to anyone."
Thomas S. - Newark, New Jersey
"Your service is invaluable! I thought my laptop was gone forever... With your help and GREAT software, it was returned to me in a few days. Thanks for all your help."
Director of Security, Eugene C. - New York City
"Prior to using PC PhoneHome™, we were losing 10-12 laptops a month corporate-wide. Since deploying your Enterprise version we haven't lost one. Your recovery track record is 100% dead on and has made me look like a genius to my boss. Thanks for all the good work."
Sherrlyn B. - Tampa, Florida
"During my employment at Columbia we experienced an "epidemic" of laptop thefts especially in the Business School. I understand we are currently in the midst of this here at UT. There is a software device available that we found to be very successful in reducing the number of unattended laptop and desktop thefts throughout Columbia. Recovery of the stolen units actually became commonplace. It is called PC PhoneHome™, but it is also available for Macs.
It is an excellent tracking software program that was pretty inexpensive and easy to install. It is virtually undetectable and cannot be uninstalled by unauthorized persons. If a laptop/desktop computer is stolen and plugged into any phone line or internet connection, it sends a message to an email address previously programmed during set-up. The software tracking center can then locate the unit. We had a representative from the company visit the campus to demonstrate how it works. I would highly recommend it." .
John L. - Carrington, Western Australia
"I am a project officer for the Crime Prevention Division in Western Australia. Your product is currently been endorsed as a crime preventative measure against computer crime."
Kenny J. - Palm Springs, California
"I just wanted to drop a line and thank you again for all the help you provided during my recent efforts to recover my stolen laptop. Fortunately as you know I had MacPhoneHome™ installed and it performed flawlessly. The recovery support your company supplied was instrumental in the police making a quick recovery saving me countless hours of aggravation. Thanks again for a great product."